Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Its the last day of Christmas Break *sniff*

Theres a rant in here too. Oh btw my sister's school was the first school to go back from Christmas Break, Today everybody goes back except my school, who doesn't go back till tomorrow. Of course this is a day off because we won State in football.

I've gotta go back to school tomorrow. Its the beginning of the second smester. January and all the way to mid February, we only have one day off that isn't the weekend and thats Martin Luther King Jr. Day. After Martin Luther King Jr. Day, I have to wait a month and then I get a five day weekend from 2/17-2/21.

I wish they would spread them out more because in March we get a three day weekend every other week. And then comes Spring Break. A week later we get a three day weekend. Then a two weeks later we get another three day weekend. Then three weeks later we get out for the Summer. So after this streak of about a month of regular school weeks. I start getting off for a bunch of three day weekends and then Summer shows up.


Blogger Seana said...

Poor you. DD's school is out until the 9th. I'm trying to fill up the days with playdates. So far, so good. Our school district spreads everything out so that the kids are in school until the last weekday of June.

I'm updating my links. May I link you?

6:56 PM  
Blogger volsfan said...

Hang in there. Let's just make it till spring time.

7:25 PM  
Blogger ukrocks said...

Seana: Yes you may link me.

School till the last week of June. Geez, I get out on June 1. It'll be a while after MLK day till I get a 3 day weekend.

Vols: I'll hang in there.

9:07 PM  

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