Saturday, July 22, 2006


Today at Work, people are like congratulation as I come in, and they say look at the schedule. Why, every two months you get a phase of being off on Saturdays, for two of them it ended this weekend, and it finally my turn to be off on a Saturday without asking. One person says it about time. Oh yeah, it is about time to be off on a Saturday without requesting it off. I am so excited! But I did double check the schedule and sure enough, I'm off on Saturday!

So this week schedule:

Sunday: 8:30-4:00

Monday: 4:30-9:30

Tuesday: OFF!

Wednsday: 5:30-10:30 (Close)

Thursday: OFF!

Friday: 5:30-10:30 (Close)

Saturday: OFF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Woo and Hoo! It is a beauty to be off on a Saturday at my work.


Blogger Jennifer said...

LOL Ahhhhh, the beauty of being a teenager working in retail. I worked at a clothing store in the summer during college and I almost always had to work Saturdays. Normally, I was on the closing shift on Saturdays too. The only time I had Saturdays off was if I requested it for some reason. We did rotate Sundays, but since I was one of only two sales associates, I worked every other Sunday.

Anyway, enjoy your Saturday!

11:06 PM  
Blogger ukrocks said...

Luna, I've only had 2 Sundays off without asking for it off. I usually have Friday's off, this will be the second Friday, I work in 3 months. I don't always work late on Saturday's, I work during the day a lot as well and get my nights off.

11:37 PM  
Blogger volsfan said...

This coming week I have Wednesday and Friday nights off from my second job (WOO and HOO!). I am glad to finally have a Friday off.

Saturday and Sunday are almost a given in a second job where I want to get around 20 hours a week especially whend they want to give me two days off a week.

Just wanted to say HELLO!

12:15 AM  
Blogger Puffy said...

Workless Saturday and a new car? What more could you ask for? How about cooler weather?

7:37 PM  
Blogger Paul said...

I've had most Saturdays off here of late, but I'll be working this Saturday and Sunday mornings.

What really stinks is a schedule like this week, when LC is off Tuesday and Wednesday (and I'm working), and I'm off today and tomorrow (and she's working). :-P

Enjoy your Saturday, and don't forget to tell us about it!

3:25 PM  
Blogger ukrocks said...

I might be working for someone on Saturday now, since they might of quit. Were unsure right now.

3:33 PM  

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