Wednesday, March 01, 2006

That Abortion Thread

I was afraid to post on the abortion thread. I do have a different viewpoint than most of you. I just was too nervous but I am going to post about it here and give me your thoughts on whether you could accept this or not.

I am against abortion. I think you should not be allowed to have an abortion unless you have a health problem or was in a life threatning situation. I, then think you may have an abortion.

For rape I think it should be the women choice. The guy should may not choose what so ever. If the girl says go along and have the baby or if the women doesn't want to have it let it be.

People who have sex just the heck of it. It is your own fault. You are warned of the dangersa and you should have to suffer the consequences. I think you know enough about it so you should have to deal with it. Its there fault.

I think abortion is sad but I think you do it just because you like it you should have to have the baby.

I'm not calling any of you all pro death but i feel that if the person who sex and knew they were doing it well they should have to deal with it because of their own careless mistake. I mean I would hope they would understand that they knew what it did.

I do see the other side about abortion. Yes the US is a free country and you can do whatever you want. I understand that they are the ones with the body and it is their life. I understand that they also might have to deal with a lot of emotions. I have an aunt who had a baby and they had to let it be adopted because they can barely live on the money they have for 5 kids.

This is just my take on the situation, please reply I do want to know what your point is.


Blogger volsfan said...

Hey UKRocks! Great game so far...let's see who wins.

I will post my thoughts on your topic later...umkay?

9:50 PM  
Blogger ukrocks said...

Ok, good game Vols. I was chewing my fingernails and UK came away withan IMPORTANT win!

10:11 PM  
Blogger volsfan said...

UK, my thoughts on abortion may not be as far away from yours as you may think. However, we do disagree to a degree.

I am very upset when I think that there are people out there that may use abortion as a type of birth control. However, I don't think there should be stipulations on when, where and who can get abortions. Who says any of us are better than others to make the stipulations?

People that say abortion is against their religious befiefs is fine with me but the more important thing is when do we (as Americans) let those people decide what is right for everyone. That is the slippery slope here!

I would hope those that use religion as their backdrop for not wanting abortion would pray for the women and the doctors performing the abortions.

I don't have time to finish my thoughts this morning. If I come home for lunch I will try and add/finish then!

7:25 AM  
Blogger ~Nutz said...

I don't agree completely with your point of view, but I do appreciate that you can see there are definitely some situations when it shouldn't be totally outlawed. I do agree it should never be used as a form of birth control.

My biggest problem with that thread are those asshats who insist ALL abortions should be outlawed and there should be no exceptions. Unfortunately, most of those folks are men who would never have to face that situation.

I'm glad you posted this here. Over there, people were getting downright nasty.

7:41 AM  
Blogger HistoryDetective said...

I appreciate your point of view. I will repeat that although I believe in reproductive freedom, I also desire that abortion be safe, legal, and RARE.

I hope that you realize that no form of birth control is 100% effective. A condom that breaks is quite different than a "careless mistake."

You seek accountability and want people to be responsible for the consequences of their actions. This is a situation, however, in which women are held accountable but men can escape all the consequences --- and pro-life advocates seem to be putting very little energy into changing that.

Instead, it seems to be more of an issue of social control, especially putting women in their place, than an issue of protecting a potential child for many crusaders out there.

I agree with Vols about the slippery slope. Both sides envision a slippery slope. That is why the debate gets so polarized.

8:33 AM  
Blogger kim (weltek) said...

I can understand your point of view & respect it.

My view is that accidents can happen, from a condom breaking to a bc pill not working. Your response would be: then don't have sex. Well, what about married people that don't want children but want to have sex? Should sex automatically equate with having children?

In our world, sex is more about pleasure and/or expressing feelings. Humans want pleasure and to express love. That desire can be overwhelming and the desire can outweigh the tiny chance you'll get pregnant when taking precautions (condoms,bc pills, etc). More power to those that that hold out until they want children.

Outlawing abortion won't stop teen sex, so don't assume that. And having a child shouldn't be seen as "punishment" for having sex. What a horrible life a child could have if brough into a situation where the parent saw the child as their punishment.

All of this thinking culminates into my position that there should be a choice to allow for a mistake. As for the "child having a choice, rights" argument, I feel it's not yet a child that HAS an opinion in the matter or any rights.

So while I can see your opinion, I don't think it's realistic that people won't have sex until they want/accept having children and I don't think outlawing abortions will lead to a direct, heavy impact in sex rates among teens. I think it's a bit utopian.

4:53 PM  
Blogger Syren said...

I like that you posted your thoughts. It is good to see young people thinking about issues such as abortion.

I am Pro-Choice. To me what that means is that I probably would never choose to have an abortion myself, however I would never tell anyone that they cannot choose what they feel is best for them.

Now I do have a comment and a serious question, and please do not take it as me attacking...

You said dangerous and you should have to suffer the consequences.
What about that child. Why should they have to suffer because they are unwanted?

I am not going to add my comments on that, I just want you to think about that.

Take a look at this...

And this...

You may have to copy and past, because I do not know how to get links to show up in comments.

8:33 PM  
Blogger ukrocks said...

Vols: Exactly, I don't want abortion to be used as birth control.

Nutz: Yup, I don't think that it should be used for birth control.

HD: Condoms are used but you should always know the risk. I feel like you know there is the chance of a screw up. But the fact is they took a chance and it failed.

Of course the men can get away with it even though it is wrong.

That does create a little bit of a concearn but I still don't see a reason why they can't have the baby as long as they are healthy.

Weltek: Condoms are known not to be 100% and accident happen. But you did take a chance. Thats why you shouldn't have sex unless you are ready. Sex should not be used for pleasure in my opinion.

Syren: Thats why there is the option of adoption. I know half of my grade school class was adopted. So if the parents don't want their child then they should go through the adoption process.

Thank you for answering my post. If you feel like replying, feel free to do so.

8:50 PM  
Blogger Syren said...

Sweetie, I knew you were going to say adoption. But you know, for all the good stories that come out of it, there are at least 10 bad ones. Do you know how many kids are waiting to be adopted. How many have waited 18 years?

I have a friend who was moved from foster home to foster home, until she reached the age of 14. That is when she was no longer wanted by anyone, she was too old. People want babies, not the kids that need them. Well my friend was transferred to the home for kids here, and when she turned 18 they gave her two months to find a place to live. She was not allowed to work while living in the home because of school stuff. She had never had a job or any financial responsibility, however she was expected to be on her feet in 2 months.


There are over 550,000 children in foster care in the United States.

Children of color outnumber white children in foster care. Of the children in foster care:
39% were Black non-Hispanic;
34% were White non-Hispanic;
17% were Hispanic;
2% were American Indian/Alaskan Native;
1% Asian/Pacific Islander; and
7% were of unknown or other racial/ethnic background.

The average mean age of children waiting to be adopted is 7.9 years. More than 70% of the children are under the age of 11.

9:38 PM  
Blogger kim (weltek) said...

Thanks for clarifying your position. Your stance on abortion makes complete sense given your stance on sex being soley for creation of a child.

I certainly don't agree with you, but your opinion on the matter has solid footing in your beliefs.

12:12 PM  
Blogger HistoryDetective said...

Sex should not be used for pleasure in my opinion.

You do realize that married people have sex and use condoms for birth control, right? Because I get the impression from a lot of your comments that you are envisioning only unmarried teenagers having sex.

Thats why you shouldn't have sex unless you are ready.

Ready for what? To have sex? Or to have children? Either way, I don't think this is a very realistic view of the way the world works.

12:41 PM  

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